Incredible Pirate Luncheon
The Incredible Pirate Luncheon hosted by The ECU Women’s Roundtable celebrates ECU’s legacy of outstanding leaders. Created in 2007, nearly 150 Pirates have been recognized for their contributions to their professions, communities, and ECU. This engaging luncheon features a keynote speaker, Incredible Pirate awards presentation, inspirational messages by alumni and students, updated on university initiatives, and an opportunity to connect with university and community leaders.
The Incredible Pirate awards are presented to alumni who have achieved excellence in one of ten categories:
- Education
- Business/Industry
- Health Sciences
- Fine Arts
- Performing Arts
- Public Service
- Media
- Sports
- Professional
- Research
The award is presented to those who are ECU graduates and have attended ECU for a minimum of two semesters. Nominees may neither be deceased nor sitting members of the Women’s Roundtable Board of Directors. They must be able to attend the luncheon in-person on Friday, September 19, 2025.
The nomination link below is designed to collect basic information about the nominee. In order for a nomination to be considered complete, the form must be accompanied by detailed information that supports a nominee’s:
- outstanding professional contributions
- outstanding contribution to the general welfare of her community, state, or nation
- outstanding contributions to East Carolina University
- honor and awards
- summary narrative regarding significant accomplishments of the nominee
Incredible Pirate Awards Nomination Survey
The aforementioned information should be documented in the following ways:
- Resume or professional vitae
- Letters of recommendation (no more than 2)
- Articles by or about the nominee
- Any other documents deemed appropriate
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.
Please return all materials to: Meghan Woolard, Senior Director of Alumni Engagement at
All nomination materials are due February 10, 2025.
A listing of our past Incredible Pirate recipients may be found here.
For more information for the 2025 Incredible ECU Luncheon on Friday, September 19, 2025 contact or (252) 328-4723.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Net proceeds from the event will benefit the ECU Women’s Roundtable scholarship endowments, which provide funds for undergraduate student scholarships. We invite your investment in this endeavor by contacting or (252) 328-4723.